The FINESPUN annual wrap is located HERE - i feel very grateful to work with great people, clients, builders, trades and consultants...... pens down 18th Dec 2020 and pens up 11th Jan 2021.
Thanks to all who have contributed to these projects - they are always, always, a team effort. We are a small highly efficient experienced team, we put everything in to our work when we work with you...... we were working remote before Zoom was invented, we didnt need to pivot - we already did that in 2008. The old saying - People Like Working with People they Like....... aint nothing truer than this in 2020. This year, i can truly say the individual people we are working with fall into this category.
Once again, the work we produce is nothing without our core team of which i have great trust and faith in, Marcos, Jen and Michelle and our extended team - locally sourced drafting teams and all the consultants we use frequently on our projects.
2020 has been a very wild ride, along with the VID, ive had many personal tragedies this year which always sculpts your view of the world. Thankfully the West Coast has managed to do better than the east coast and many parts of the world.
Be kind to your fellow human being, look after the planet the best you can and dont forget to wash your hands you filthy thing!